Some of PRISM’s current and active support
NIH NHLBI- 5P01 HL119165: Novel Targeted Therapies for Pulmonary Fibrosis (Schnitzer)
NIH NCI- 5U01 CA169644: Nanodelivery to Enhance the Imaging and Therapy of Breast Cancer (Schnitzer)
NIH NCI- 5U01 CA193787: Targeting Caveolae in Breast Tumors (Schnitzer)
NIH NIGMS- 5R01 GM114562: Small Molecule Protein Ligands as Modulators of Hypoxia-Inducible Transcription (Olenyuk)
NIH NCI- R01 CA215157: Active Delivery of Platinum Nanoimmunoconjugates to Improve Breast Cancer Therapy (Olenyuk)
DoD PC170745: Imaging and Targeted Systemic Therapy of Prostate Cancer with Antibody to Annexin A1 (Chrastina)
Recently Awarded
NIH NCI- P01 CA221775: Precision Delivery and Imaging to Enhance Solid Tumor Therapy (Schnitzer)
NIH NCI- R01 CA237109: Tumor Caveolae-Targeted Systemic Therapy of Breast Cancer with Antibody Drug Conjugates (Chrastina)
NIH NCI- R01 CA240703: Endothelial Cell-Targeted Amatoxin Conjugates for Effective Therapy of Breast Cancer (Olenyuk)
DoD BC180233P1: ECTACS for Improved Therapy of Breast Cancer (Schnitzer)
DoD BC180233: ECTACS for Improved Therapy of Breast Cancer (Olenyuk)